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Multi-Agent System with Custom Simulation and Performance Enhancements

Multi-Agent System with Custom Simulation and Performance Enhancements

Multi-Agent System in C++ with simulation loops for agent behavior and performance optimizations.

Educational Project

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Multi-Agent System in C++


This project develops a Multi-Agent System with a custom simulation loop, notable for its significant performance improvements. The key aspects implemented are detailed below:

🧠 Body/Mind Separation

  • Separates the agent's control logic (mind) from its physical representation (body)
  • Allows for greater flexibility and scalability in the simulation

🔄 Finite State Machine (FSM)

  • Agents use an FSM to efficiently switch between behaviors
  • Adaptation based on conditions and environment

🐝 Flocking Behavior

  • Coordinated movement of agents, mimicking animal swarms
  • Ideal for simulations with multiple entities

🗺️ Pathfinding (A* Algorithm)

  • Implementation of the A* algorithm to find optimal paths
  • Ensures agents avoid obstacles and reach goals efficiently

⚡ Optimized Path Calculations

  • Dynamic adjustment of calculations based on the required level of detail
  • Reduces computational load and improves overall performance

This project lays the foundation for AI simulations and video game applications, offering a robust platform for autonomous agent behavior in dynamic and complex environments.